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Cheng Xiaojun

程晓俊.jpgCheng Xiaojun

Guangzhou Office Regional Manager

Cheng Xiaojun graduated from Dalian Marine University in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in Marine Navigation. Upon graduation, he worked onboard as ship officer for COSCO Group. After five years’ life at sea, he returned to shore at the end of 2004 and started working as a marine adjuster and legal assistant in a well known survey and law firm in South China, acquiring indepth knowledge and practical experience in ship, marine adjustment, shipping insurance and regulations. In 2009 he started his career as a correpondent for P&I and H&M insurers and handled various marine claims and maritime casaulties. Besides his daily work, he is also an executive member of council in Shipping Law Research Association of Guangdong Law Society.

Mobile: +86 138 2505 0793


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