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Special attention is required in the waters of Guishan anchorage of Guangzhou
Date:2024-07-09 Views:

Date: 03 July 2024


Oasis Circular No.: 2407


Subject: Special attention is required when ships navigate in the waters of Guishan anchorage of Guangzhou, China


When flood and typhoon season approaches, currents and winds would intensify at Guishan anchorage and its surrounding waters of the Pearl River Estuary. Recently we have seen an increasing number of ship collision incidents in this area due to various reasons. The frequent accident locations are marked in the diagram below.


Schematic diagram of risky locations in Guishan anchorage and its surrounding waters

Potential hazards in Guishan anchorage and its surrounding waters

1.   Guishan anchorage and its surrounding waters are the converging waters when ships navigate through the Pearl River Estuary. Many merchant ships anchor at the 18GS anchorage before entering the ports, and many fishing boats and offshore ships anchor at the 17GS anchorage. Both anchorages are busy with ships, which results in limited maneuvering space and difficulty in ship handling.


2.   The waters between the 18GS and the 17GS anchorages are the customary route for ships entering or leaving the ports, which also serve as the boarding and disembarking points for pilots. Ships often accelerate, decelerate, or maneuver in this area for picking up or disembarking pilots, which may increase the risk of collision because of ineffective communication between ships due to language barriers.


3.   Ships often cross the customary route or heave up anchor to head for various ports within the Pearl River Estuary with sudden changes in course, which easily leads to crossing situations and makes the traffic flow more complicated.


4.   Ships anchored at the 18GS anchorage are relatively large. Their deck lights and the night tourism lighting of Guishan Island may cause difficulty or confusion to ships’ lookout.




1.   Ships shall make full use of the rudder and the engine to avoid collision incidents and slow down at an early stage if the situation cannot be assessed adequately. When anchoring, ships shall maintain strengthened lookout, be aware of the change of tides and currents and have the engine prepared in case of emergency.


2.    Ships shall display appropriate lights and shapes in line with regulations, engage extra watchman on the bridge, stay vigilant, use radar for long and short-range scanning to learn the movements of nearby ships at an early stage. Ships shall maintain contact with each other via VHF in case the traffic becomes complicated.


3.   Ships shall maintain constant communication with the pilot station and make preparations in advance before the pilot boards or disembarks. In the meantime, ships shall take extra care when maneuvering to avoid colliding with surrounding ships.


4.  Ships shall maintain safe speed and try to avoid making large turns or acceleration. If effective communication cannot be established due to language barriers, ships shall employ all alternative measures, such as using the whistle to alert other ships, contact Guangzhou VTS via VHF08\09 or via telephone No. +86 12395 for assistance.


We hope the above is of assistance. If there is any query, please feel free to contact

us at oasis@oasispandi.com any time.



Best regards,



Oasis P&I Services Company Limited

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