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The supervision of marine traffic safety in the Pearl River Estuary of China
Date:2024-05-09 Views:

Date: 09 May 2024

Oasis Circular No.: 2405


Subject: Regulation issued by Guangdong MSA regarding the supervision and management of marine traffic safety in the Special Administrative Area of Pearl River Estuary of China


Guangdong MSA issued a Regulation on the Administration of Special Administrative Area of Pearl River Estuary for Marine Traffic Safety (for Trial Implementation) recently, which will come into effect as of 01 July 2024 with validity of two years. A summary of ships’ safe navigation requirements is given below for your easy reference with our free English translation of the regulation attached to this circular.


I. The sketch of the Special Administrative Area


II. Requirements for safe navigation of ships


1.         The regulation applies to ships engaged in navigation, berthing, and operations in the Special Administrative Area and other activities related to marine traffic safety.


2.         Ships shall maintain sufficient UKC (under keel clearance) during navigation, berthing, and operations in different waters and passages.


3.         When navigating along the route, ships shall navigate as close as possible to the outer edge of the route on her starboard side, if it is safe and feasible. Whereas ships navigate near the outer edge of the route shall maintain their courses in accordance with the traffic flow on the adjacent route.


4.         When joining or leaving the route, ships shall give way to other ships that navigate along the route.


5.         Before crossing the route, ships shall check the surrounding environment and ensure that there is no obstruction to other ships’ navigation before proceeding, and shall follow the below rules:


a)         Proactively avoid ships navigating along the route;

b)         Sound one long horn before crossing and take measures, such as flashlight warnings to alert other ships during night time;

c)         When crossing a route, ships are recommended to navigate vertically to the route or traffic flow as much as possible and avoid crossing through the bow of other ships.


6.         Ships shall avoid encountering each other at bends of the route.


7.         Ships are prohibited from overtaking other ships in the southern section of the Dahaozhou route (south of the Huangpu Bridge), the northern section of the Chisha route (north of the turning point of the Chisha Channel), the Xinsha route, the Lianhuashan East route, and the Lianhuashan West route. When navigating in the Chuanbi route, as far as it is safe and practicable, ships shall avoid overtaking other ships by going outside of the route.


8.         Ships shall avoid turning around at the bifurcation area of river mouths or narrow or curved segments of the route.


9.         Ships shall comply with the speed limit rules published by the maritime administrative authorities during navigation.


10.     When the visibility is poor, ships shall keep engines and anchors standby, navigate with great care under safe speed, strengthen the lookout, communicate with nearby ships, and sound the fog signals in accordance with relevant regulations.


11.     Ships of 50,000 DWT and above shall have their M/E, rudders, communication and emergency equipment tested in advance to ensure that they are in good technical condition before entering the outbound route of Guangzhou port and the main route of Zhuhai Gaolan port.


12.     Ships are prohibited from sailing through non-navigable bridge spans. Before passing through the bridge, ships shall choose the suitable bridge span and retain sufficient air draft according to its tonnage and technical dimensions of the navigable bridge spans.


13.     Ships shall not enter into waters within 1,000 meters on both sides of the axis of the non-navigable bridge spans of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage and the Huangmaohai cross-sea Passage without prior permission.


14.     Ships shall avoid entering into waters of offshore wind farms and marine pastures.


III. Our suggestions


1.         Ships are recommended to conduct self-check of the mechanical and electrical equipment before entering the Special Administrative Area. When a ship encounters mechanical or electrical failure, crew members shall report to local MSA or vessel traffic service centre (VTS) immediately via VHF or other possible means with detailed information including the ship's name, position, the need for rescue, and other emergency situations so that measures can be taken by the local authorities accordingly.


2.         Ships should fully comply with relevant provisions of COLREGS 1972 and Safety Management System, ensure there is proper and sufficient lookout, keep a safe speed and take early avoidance actions.  


3.         In case a collision incident occurs or is suspected to have occurred, if there is human life at hazard, rescue operation shall be immediately carried out, taking into consideration various factors such as safety of the ship and her crew, the surrounding environment etc. Meanwhile, the ship shall contact the nearest VTS/MSA via VHF or their emergency telephone no. +86 12395 as soon as possible. The ship’s agents, P&I Club and its correspondent should also be informed.


4.         Ships are suggested to contact their local ship agent in advance for detailed information and guidance in case it is required.


We hope that the above is of assistance. If there is any query, please feel free to contact us at oasis@oasispandi.com at any time. 




Best regards, 



Oasis P&I Services Company Limited




Attachment: Regulation on the Administration of Special Administrative Area of Pearl River Estuary for Water Traffic Safety (for Trial Implementation)




Free translation



Regulation on the Administration of Special Administrative Area of Pearl River Estuary for Marine Traffic Safety (for Trial Implementation)


Article 1 In order to strengthen the supervision and management of marine traffic safety in the Pearl River Estuary, maintain the order of marine traffic, safeguard the lives and properties of the people, and enhance the service level of the maritime management organizations, this regulation is formulated in accordance with the Safety of Maritime Traffic Law of the People's Republic of China, the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 and other relevant laws, rules and regulations as well as international conventions.


Article 2 This regulation applies to ships engaged in navigation, berthing and operation in the Special Administrative Area of Pearl River Estuary for marine traffic safety (hereinafter referred to as the “Special Administrative Area”) and other activities related to marine traffic safety.


Article 3 Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) shall uniformly implement the supervision, management, and ensure marine traffic safety in the Special Administrative Area. Guangzhou MSA, Dongguan MSA, Zhuhai MSA, Jiangmen MSA, Zhongshan MSA, and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge MSA shall, in accordance with their responsibilities, be specifically responsible for the supervision, management, and ensure marine traffic safety in the Special Administrative Areas under their jurisdictions.


Article 4  Ships are encouraged to adopt digital information technology or equipment to manage and monitor navigation, berthing, operations and other activities related to marine traffic safety. The maritime management authorities use digital information technology to provide navigation safety services and supports to ships.


Article 5 The maritime management authorities shall, in accordance with the law, delimit and adjust maritime traffic functional areas such as Traffic Separation Schemes, ship’s reporting area, traffic control area, prohibited navigation area, safety operation area, and anchorage area outside the port, and publish the same to the public through appropriate means such as notices, announcements, navigation notices (warnings), etc.


Traffic Separation Schemes includes separation navigation system, two-way route, recommended route, recommended line, navigation avoidance zone, no-anchoring zone, coastal navigation zone, circular route, warning zone, and deep-water route.


Article 6 Where the safety of marine traffic is affected during the construction or operation of marine engineering or coastal engineering, the construction unit, owner, or operator shall prepare facilities and equipment for preventing ship collision and set up special navigational buoys according to the specific conditions. Facilities and equipment for preventing ship collision include hardware facilities, equipment, and monitoring and warning system.


Facilities, equipment, and special navigational buoys for preventing ship collision shall be designed, constructed, put into production and used simultaneously with the marine engineering and coastal engineering.


Article 7 In case of marine engineering, coastal engineering construction units, owners or operators need to set up temporary buoys, they should provide maritime administrative authorities with the location, type, light characteristics and other necessary information of the buoys intended to set in advance. Maritime administrative authorities shall take into consideration of the characteristics of the project and the safety navigation nearby to determine the set point of temporary buoys.


Temporary buoys shall be used without exceeding 30 days and be removed immediately upon the expiration date. If the temporary buoys need to be used continuously after the expiry date, marine engineering, coastal engineering construction units, owners or operators shall apply to and obtain approval from the maritime administrative authorities for setting up dedicated buoys. Prior approval shall also be granted for the removal, movement, change of location, and change of status of the dedicated buoys.   


Article 8 Ships shall maintain sufficient UKC (under keel clearance) during navigation, berthing, and operations.


When sailing in the waters between the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, the ship’s UKC should not be less than 12% of the actual draft.


When sailing in the northern waters of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, the ship’s UKC should not be less than 10% of the actual draft.


When sailing in the route and harbour area of Gaolan port of Zhuhai, the ship’s UKC shall not be less than 10% of the actual draft as well as no less than 0.5 meters. However, for dangerous cargo ships of over 100,000DWT, the ship’s UKC shall not be less than 12% of the actual draft. The UKC of the LPG ships shall not be less than 15% of the actual draft, and the UKC during berthing shall not be less than 10% of the actual draft as well as no less than 1.0 meter.


Article 9 When sailing along the route, ships shall navigate as close as possible to the outer edge of the route on her starboard side, if it is safe and feasible. Whereas ships navigate near the outer edge of the route shall maintain their courses in accordance with the traffic flow on the adjacent route.


Ships shall navigate in waters 20 meters away from the line of route buoys in the outbound route of Guangzhou port and main route of Gaolan port if their draft is less than 3 meters.


Ships with draft of 3 to 5 meters that navigate in the outbound route of Guangzhou port and main route of Gaolan port, shall not interfere with other ships sailing in those routes. When a vessel constrained by her draft approaches, ships shall navigate to an area 20 meters away from the connection of the buoys on her starboard side as soon as possible if the situation permits.


Article 10 When joining or leaving the route, ships shall give way to other ships that are navigating in the route.


If a ship could only join or leave her route safely by the action taken by other ship that are sailing along in the route, the ship shall inform the other ship of her intention. If the other ship agrees, she shall respond clearly and take corresponding measures accordingly enabling the ship to join or leave the route safely.


Article 11 Before crossing the route, ships shall check the surrounding environment and confirm that there is no obstruction to other ships’ safe navigation before proceeding. For ships crossing the route, they shall follow the below rules:


1.      Proactively avoid ships sailing along the route;

2.      Sound one long horn before crossing, and take measures such as flash light warnings to alert other ships during night time;

3.      When crossing a route, ships are recommended to navigate vertically to the route or traffic flow as much as possible and avoid crossing through the bow of other ships.


Article 12 Ships shall avoid encountering each other at the bend of the fairway.


Ships are prohibited to encounter each other at the bend in Yamen outbound channel. When ships encountered each other at this area, the upstream ship should let the downstream ship pass first. During the advection, southbound ships should allow the northbound ships to pass first.


Ships are prohibited to navigate side by side in the main route of Gaolan port, and in the Yamen outbound channel between buoy Y1 and buoy Y17.


Article 13 Ships, with the exception of high-speed passenger ships, are prohibited from overtaking other ships in the southern section of the Dahaozhou route (south of the Huangpu Bridge), the northern section of the Chisha route (north of the turning point of the Chisha Channel), the Xinsha route, the Lianhuashan East route, and the Lianhuashan West route.


When navigating in the Chuanbi route, ships, with the exception of high-speed passenger ships, shall avoid overtaking other ships out of the route as far as it is safe and practicable.


Article 14 Ships shall avoid turning around at the bifurcation area of river mouths or narrow or curved segments of the route.


When encountering a ship turning around in the turning area, the other vessel should actively avoid the turning vessel. When a ship is turning around outside the turning area, it shall not obstruct other ships’ navigation.


If a ship is turning around, she shall show appropriate light signals, sound horn, and pay close attention to the surrounding environment in line with relevant regulations.


Article 15 Ships shall comply with the speed limit rules published by the maritime administrative authorities during navigation.


When ships navigate through the curved route, traffic-intensive areas, shipyards, ship loading and discharging areas, construction areas, or with small boat in laden condition nearby, they should pass at a slow speed to ensure safety.


When sailing in the waters between the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, the ship’s speed shall not exceed 15 knots. When sailing in the north of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and in within the breakwater of Tielu Bay of the main channel of Zhuhai Port, the ship’s speed shall not exceed 12 knots. High-speed passenger ships are excepted.


When sailing in the outbound route of Guangzhou port and outbound route of Yamen, the ship’s speed shall not be lower than 5 knots as long as it is safe and practicable.


Article 16 When visibility is poor, ships shall keep engines and anchors standby, navigate with great care under safe speed and strengthened lookout, communicate with nearby ships and sound the fog signals in accordance with relevant regulations.


Ships’ speed shall not exceed 10 knots when visibility is less than 2,000 meters.


Ships are prohibited to sail when visibility at wharfs, anchorages, or mooring buoys etc. is less than 1,000 meters. Ships shall exercise particular caution when the visibility of the route which she is navigating or intended to navigate is less than 1,000 meters. If condition permits, ships shall sail off the route timely and berth at the nearest waters, and then report to the maritime administrative authorities.


Clause 2 and Clause 3 above are not applicable to high-speed passenger ships. However, when visibility at anchoring points such as wharfs, anchorages, or mooring buoys is less than 500 meters, high-speed passenger ships are prohibited from sailing.


Cruises could be exempted from Clause 2 and Clause 3 above on the condition that the safety and security measures are formulated and implemented. However, they shall submit the safety and security measures to the maritime administrative authorities in advance.


Article 17 Ships are not allowed to anchor in the following waters:


1.         Publish routes, harbour basin (berthing, unberthing, and emergency conditions are excluded);

2.         The adjacent areas of a bridge;

3.         Bifurcation area of river mouths waters (emergency conditions are excepted);

4.         Protection area for submarine pipelines;

5.         Within 500 meters on each side of the route between buoy No.1 and buoy No.12 in the main channel of Ganlan port;

6.         Within 200 meters on each side of the route within the Tieluwan Breakwater of Gaolan port and Yamen outbound route.


Article 18 It is prohibited to engage in aquaculture, cultivation and other activities that may affect safe navigation in the fairway, anchorage, mooring waters before the berth, and adjacent area to a bridge.


Article 19 Ship acting to avoid immediate danger, or in the performance of their official duties, or engaged in rescue and salvage activities, could be exempted from the provisions relating to speed limits, U-turns, overruns, sailing side by side, and poor visibility.


Ships that approved to engage in abovewater and underwater operations could be exempted from the provisions regarding the prohibition of anchoring and turning around in the approved waters.


Article 20 Ships of 50,000 DWT and above shall have their M/E, rudders, communication and emergency equipment tested in advance to ensure that they are in good technical condition if they intend to enter the outbound route of Guangzhou port and main route of Zhuhai Gaolan port.


When submitting a voyage plan to the relevant Vessel Traffic Management Centre (VTS), the ship shall confirm that they have carried out tests in accordance with the requirements above.


Article 21 In the event of a marine accident or equipment failure affecting the safe navigation, ships and facilities shall take appropriate safety measures, sail away from the route if possible, broadcasting the ship's movement, and timely reporting to the maritime administrative authorities which have jurisdiction.


Article 22 Ships are prohibited from sailing through non-navigable bridge spans.


Ships entering or leaving the route where the navigable bridge spans are located, shall keep their M/E on standby during navigation, strengthen lookout, navigate carefully, get to know the traffic conditions within the water area in advance, and keep navigation equipment, communication equipment and emergency equipment in good working condition; get in contact with passing by ships as early as possible to clarify their movements and intentions.


Article 23 Before passing through the bridge, ships shall choose the suitable bridge span and retain sufficient air draft according to its tonnage and the technical dimensions of the navigable bridge spans.


When sailing through one-way navigable bridge spans, the ship shall sail along the central axis of the route; When sailing through two-way navigable bridge spans, the ship shall avoid encountering each other in the bridge span. When the condition is unavoidable, the ship shall sail to the right as far as possible, and maintain sufficient safety distance between the edge of the pier.


Article 24 Except for emergency operation, performing official duties, and abovewater and underwater operations and activities that permitted by the maritime administrative authorities in accordance with the law, ships and facilities shall not enter the waters within 1,000 meters on both sides of the axis of the non-navigable bridge spans of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage and the Huangmaohai cross-sea Passage.


Article 25 Ships shall avoid entering into the waters of offshore wind farms and marine pastures.


When sailing through the waters near to offshore wind power plant and marine pasture, the ship shall strengthen lookout and navigate carefully. When emergency anchoring is needed, the ship shall anchor as far away as possible from the waters of offshore wind farms and marine pastures, and immediately report to the maritime administrative authorities, and display the signal light/shape in accordance with the regulations.


Article 26 Before testing the Marine Surface Autonomous Vessels (MSAV) and marine equipment, an activity plan, a safety and security plan, and an emergency plan shall be formulated and reported to the local maritime administrative authorities of the place of departure and the place of testing. The testing shall be carried out within the approved waters as published by the maritime administrative authorities.


Article 27 Self-unloading sand (stone) ships shall comply with the following regulations during navigation:


1.         The conveyor arm should be retracted to its shortest length and lowered to its lowest position;

2.         The bow gantry should be lowered to its lowest position;

3.         At night time or when the visibility is poor, a white ring light shall be displayed at the forward end of the boom.


Article 28 When a high-speed ship encounters another ship, it shall take the initiative to avoid the other ship.


If high-speed ships encounter with each other, the rules for avoiding collision shall be subject to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972.


Article 29 Personnel on board shall wear life jackets when moving around on open decks without protective facilities for crew members, such as bulkheads and railings, or when carrying out operations off the gangway.


When open deck ships are navigating, mooring, or operating, the persons on board shall wear life jackets.


Except for rescue and salvage activities, the rafts and boom of a sailing ship shall not extend overboard.


Article 30 The meaning of the following terms in this regulation:


1.         The Special Administrative Area means the area of waters under the jurisdiction of the Guangdong MSA in the Pearl River Estuary north of 21°45′00.0″N, east of 112°59′30″E, west of 114°30′08.8″E, and south of the Huangpu Bridge of Guangzhou port, i.e., the waters within the above boundary and the following estuaries boundaries:


a)        Shawan waterway, a line between 22°53′28″N/113°30′45″E and 22°52′30″N/113°30′45″E;


b)        Jiaomen river mouth, a line between 22°44′56″N/113°33′27″E and 22°44′32″N/113°32′58″E;


c)         Hongqili, a line between 22°33′24″N/113°37′12″E and 22°33′48″N/113°38′6″E;


d)        A line among Hengmen, the eastern end of Hengmen Island (Yizhou) (22°33′54″N/113°35′42″E), the southern end of Hengmen Island (Yizhou) (22°33′25″N/113°34′42″E), and point 22°33′14 "N/113°34′30″E;


e)        South of the line between Modaomen, Dongjiaozui of Sanzao Island Jianfengding (22°410N/113°24'50E) and Dahengqintashijiao (22°0512N/113°2848E); north of the line between Beishanzui, Xiaohengqin island (22°0926N/113°3152E) and the south of Wanzai Town (22°1115N/113°3114E);


f)          A line between Jitimen, south end of Damunai (22°02′28″N/113°17′04″E) and Yinpingzui, Daqiiwan (22°00′18″N/113°15′00″E);


g)         A line between Hutiaomen, Yaimen, Xiaoleizhu Island (22°11′36″N/113°06′32″E) and Baitajiaobeiishi (22°12′10″N/113°04′52″E);


h)        A line between Taipingkou, the inner side of Shajiao berth (22°45′44″N/113°39′25.5″E) and the upper enclosing angle of Yaniangxie island (22°47′43″N/113°37′56″E);


i)          A line between Xianwuchongkou, the former Humen Ferry Terminal (22°49′03″N/113°36′36″E) and Humen Power Plant Terminal (22°48′35″N/113°36′48″E);


j)          A line between Dongguan river mouth, the light pile of Nizhoutou (22°54′00″N/113°34′30″E) and the wharf of China Resources Cement Plant (22°53′36″N/113°34′54″E);


k)         A line between Freshwater estuary, north bank corner (22°58′18″N/113°33′00″E) and south bank estuary sluice gate (22°58′00″N/113°33′6″E);


l)          A line between Machong river mouth, the Four Navigation Bureau Prefabrication Plant Wharf (23°02′6″N/113°31′36″E) and Xinsha Barge Wharf (23°02′13″N/113°31′30″E);


m)      Dongjiangkou, Dongjiangkou Railway Bridge.


2.         The outbound route Guangzhou port refers to the main route from Mayoushi lightship to Xiji turning area, including Lingding route, Chuanbi route, Dahu route, Nizhou route, Lianhuashan east route and Xinsha route.


3.         Marine Surface Autonomous Vessels (MSAV) refers to ships that can operate to varying degrees independently of human intervention.


Article 31 Matters relating to the safety of navigation of ships not listed in this regulation shall be implemented in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 and other relevant regulations.


Ships using the area of the vessel traffic separation scheme in the Dahao channel shall comply with Article 10 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 with regard to the traffic separation system.


Article 32 If the "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Guangdong Waters Navigation Safety Management Measures" have other provisions involving the supervision and management of marine traffic safety in the Special Administrative Area, they shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions thereof. If there is any inconsistency between the “Provisions on Safe Navigation of ships under the Jurisdiction of the Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration” and this regulation, this regulation shall prevail.


Article 33 This regulation shall be implemented as from July 1, 2024 for trial and shall be valid for 2 years.

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