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Frequent locations of collision incidents in Baohai Sea and Yellow Sea
Date:2023-09-05 Views:

Date: 5 September 2023


Oasis Circular No.:2308


Subject: High risk water areas which are frequent locations of collision incidents between vessels and fishing boats in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea


The fishing ban around Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea was lifted on 01 September 2023. Shandong MSA published a list of nine high risk water areas in Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea areas where vessels should strengthen lookout and maintain careful navigation to avoid collision with fishing boats. Shandong MSA also published a navigation alert (No.: SD419/23) on 29 August 2023 in this respect.


The nine areas are illustrated below with coordinates and their main risks.


Nine high risk areas in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea


1. West of Changshan waterway, an area within a circle of a radius of seven nautical miles with its center at: 120°24' 9.00"E, 38° 5' 8.00"N.


Main risks: Intersection area for vessels from/to Tianjin, Huanghua, Binzhou, Dongying, Weifang, and Longkou ports of Bohai bay and Laizhou bay with quite a few fishing boats. About 5 collision incidents between merchant vessels and fishing boats happened in the past 10 years.


2. Southeast of Laotieshan waterway, an area connected by the four coordinates:


A. 120°59'47.00"E, 38°15'23.00"N;

B. 121°36' 3.00"E, 38°15'23.00"N

C. 121°36' 3.00"E, 38°30' 3.00"N

D. 120°59'47.00"E, 38°30' 3.00"N


Main risks: Heavy traffic with vessels and fishing boats passing through. Besides, one passenger route within this area. About 7 collision incidents happened in this area in the past 10 years.


3. East of Changshan waterway, an area connected by the four coordinates:


A. 121° 5'34.00"E, 38° 0'37.00"N

B. 121°24'57.00"E, 37°55'28.00"N

C. 121°22'59.00"E, 37°50' 4.00"N

D. 121° 3' 7.00"E, 37°55'53.00"N


Main risks: This area is located at the northern part of Yantai port west harbour, where vessels entering and/or leaving Yantai port and vessels passing through Changshan waterway will come through. In addition, many fishing boats operate in this area. About 4 collision incidents between merchant vessels and fishing boats happened and 1 collision incident between two merchant vessels also happened in the past 10 years in this area.


4. North of Weihai port waters, an area connected by the four coordinates:


A. 121°55' 5.00"E, 37°38'10.00"N

B. 122°17'50.00"E, 37°38'10.00"N

C. 122°17'49.00"E, 37°51'28.00"N

D. 121°55' 4.00"E, 37°51'27.00"N


Main risks: This area is outside the coverage of Chengshantou VTS. Vessels passing through ship’s routing area of Chengshantou to southern ports of Bohai Bay must transit through this area where there are many vessels and fishing boats. About 5 collision incidents between merchant vessels and fishing boats happened and 1 collision incident between two merchant vessels also happened in the past 10 years in this area.



5. Southeast of Shidao to South-North main passage, an area connected by the five coordinates:


A. 122°39'43.00"E, 37° 0'42.00"N

B. 123° 2'47.00"E, 37° 0'42.00"N

C. 123° 2'47.00"E, 36°22' 6.00"N

D. 122° 8'45.00"E, 36°22' 6.00"N

E. 122° 8'45.00"E, 36°44'37.00"N


Main risks: Dense traffic in South-North main passage with mainly passing by vessels. Many fishing boats carry out operation in southeast of Shidao area, so there is a high risk of collision incidents. About 17 collision incidents between merchant vessels and fishing boats happened and 4 collision incidents between two merchant vessels also happened in the past 10 years in this area.



6. Southest of Qianliyan waters, an area connected by the four coordinates:


A. 121°19'34.00"E, 36°16'37.00"N

B. 121°33' 2.00"E, 36°25'13.00"N

C. 121°51' 5.00"E, 36° 8' 9.00"N

D. 121°37'37.00"E, 35°59'37.00"N


Main risks: This area is located at the junction of Yantai and Qingdao with sea routes from Chengshantou southern parts to Qingdao port. There are plenty of vessels and fishing boats which coming from/to Rushan fish farm or the T-shaped estuary. A new offshore wind power site is located in the northern part of this area, which makes the navigation environment more complex. About 3 collision incidents between merchant vessels and fishing boats happened in the past 10 years.


7. Southeast of Chaoliandao anchoring waters, an area connected by the four coordinates:


A. 120°43'17.00"E, 35°58'28.00"N

B. 120°59' 9.00"E, 35°27' 8.00"N

C. 121°28'58.00"E, 35°27'12.00"N

D. 121°11'58.00"E, 35°58'36.00"N


Main risks: This area is outside the coverage of Qingdao VTS, where more than 7,000 vessels per year drop anchors before entering the ports. The long distance from shore makes it difficult to communicate smoothly via AIS. About 3 collision incidents between merchant vessels and fishing boats happened and 1 collision incident between two merchant vessels also happened in the past 10 years in this area.


8. Middle of South-North main passage waterway, an area connected by the four coordinates:


A. 122°26'31.00"E, 35°24' 8.00"N

B. 122°58'30.00"E, 35°24' 8.00"N

C. 122°58'30.00"E, 35°55'44.00"N

E. 122°26'31.00"E, 35°55'44.00"N


Main risks: This area spans across the jurisdiction of Qingdao, Dongjiakou, and Rizhao and the shore based AIS cannot cover or effectively connect. There is a lot of merchant vessels passing by, as well as large fishing boats engaging in fishing operations or anchored in this area without maintaining proper lookout. Furthermore, the Rizhao - South Korea passenger route passes through this water area too. About 8 collision incidents between merchant vessels and fishing boats happened and 1 collision incident between two merchant vessels also happened in the past 10 years in this area.


9. East of Rizhao port waters, an area connected by the four coordinates:


A. 120° 0'45.00"E, 35° 8'32.00"N

B. 120°30' 5.00"E, 35° 8'32.00"N

C. 120°30' 5.00"E, 35°23' 0.00"N

D. 120° 0'45.00"E, 35°23' 0.00"N


Main risks: There are many vessels and fishing boats in the east water area of Shijiu port and Lanshan port of Rizhao. Fishing boats frequently navigate through channels and/or anchorage in the port area. As large tankers often anchor here, there is a high risk of collision between vessels and fishing boats under poor visibility. About 2 collision incidents between merchant vessels and fishing boats happened in the past 10 years.




1. Get familiar with the starting times and ending times of the fishing ban periods. Carry out relevant safety training on the characteristics of fishing areas and fishing boats.

2. Avoid the traditional fish farms and fishing areas. When choosing a route, vessels shall be properly away from shore, apply the recommended routes carefully and strictly follow the relevant ship routing system.

3. Fully comply with relevant provisions of COLREGS 1972 and Safety Management System, ensure there is proper and sufficient lookout, keep a safe speed and take early avoidance actions.  

4. In the process of avoiding fishing boats, ship officers shall consider the particular operational characteristics of the fishing boat involved. If effective radio communication cannot be established between the vessel and the fishing boat, all other available means shall be used to warn the fishing boats of the risk of collision.


5. Be familiar with the safety guidelines for preventing collision between merchant ships and fishing boats in Chinese coastal waters issued by China MSA on 06 May 2021. (See attached our free English translation)

6. In case a collision incident occurs or is suspected to have occurred, rescue operation shall be immediately carried out taking into consideration various factors such as safety of the ship and her crews, the surrounding environment etc. Meanwhile, the ship shall contact the nearest VTS/MSA via VHF or their emergency telephone no. +86 12395 as soon as possible. The ship’s agents, P&I Club and its correspondent should also be informed.  


We hope the above is of assistance. If there is any query, please feel free to contact us at oasis@oasispandi.com anytime. 



Best regards,



Oasis P&I Services Company Limited 




Free English translation of Safety Guidelines issued by China MSA on 06 May 2021

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